During my many years of working with survivors of trauma, complex trauma, and PTSD, I have noticed how the effects of being traumatized have fueled a place of being stuck in “victimhood”. This is especially the case if you have not ever addressed your “trauma wounds” so that you can begin to heal.

The past cannot be healed in the past but can only be healed as you begin to heal in the present. You may feel “stuck” and “wounded” and have lost hope that you can ever move forward in all areas of your life without the }baggage” of your past. See: ”Keys To Understanding The Trauma Recovery Process”.

Please know that having been a survivor of trauma is not a death sentence and that you can begin to be fully alive(mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically) as you move from having been a victim to victory as you put into practice some of the tools needed for you to no longer define your identity as a “victim” but as one “who has gone through the fire and coming out gold”! You no longer have to live a life of “stuckness” but can begin to see yourself as a “work in progress” as healing is a process: so be patient with yourself.


In order for you to heal from the inside out it is essential that you begin to notice your thought life and your feelings and patterns of emotions and reactions. Before you can ever communicate effectively with anyone else in a relationship you need to develop a relationship with yourself. Spending time with you and getting to know yourself and “feeling safe” in your own body is an essential part of your healing process. Making “you” a priority not in a “narcissistic” way but with compassion and kindness. During this time you can start to know what you like and what you do not and have the “people pleasing” spirit broken off you as you learn to set boundaries and limits. See: ”Identifying Adult Wounds Of Childhood Trauma”

Time is love so as you make your healing from “victim mentality” a priority you will need to cut out whatever is blocking that process. You may have become relationship or substance or food addicted in an attempt to soothe yourself but can now understand that this is toxic and fuels your feeling like a victim” If you avoid “you” then you cannot heal.. It is time to know what your issues are and to address them so you can move forward with power! See: ”How Childhood Trauma Is The Root Of Addiction”



You may frequently feel angry and misunderstood and back in “victim mode” as a consequence of not understanding that your voice has power. Your words have power and No One Can Read Your Mind! It is essential that you have the courage to speak. You need to constantly remind the “little boy or little girl” part of you that you are no longer a hostage or a slave and you have a voice as you “exist”. When you do not speak it is interpreted as agreement. One of the most effective ways to learn to have your own voice and identify your thoughts and feelings in a safe place;is when you are in therapy with the “right therapist”. You cannot skip this step and heal so be courageous and begin to seek therapy! See: “Benefits Of Speaking The Truth In Love”


Giving yourself time and attention and learning to courageously get to know yourself and to effectively communicate with others can begin for you as you begin the healing process of therapy with the “right” therapist” who is an “expert” in trauma recovery! If you can relate to what i am saying and you know it is time to get help then please give me a call so we can walk on this amazing journey together!